Web of Primary Care
Innovators and the Establishment alike are investing time, money, and brain trust to expand the web of Primary Care. The shared mission is improved outcomes, convenience, reduced costs...
Keep well. No more treat sick.
Our clients mostly agree that the pace of new ideas, investors, and technology flooding the space suggests consolidation too will increase. For the +$4 trillion dollar arena where every human is the Total Available Market, Scale will matter a lot. Large enough develop, acquire, make mistakes.
By the Numbers:
Walmart has over 1.6 million employees. 1% of the US working population.
Google controls 90% of the global search engine market.
Each second, Amazon records $4,722.
If you took every $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, and $50 bill currently in circulation, you still would not have enough to meet Apple's market cap.