Leading with the -(re)Tail

The intersection between consumerism and wellness is most palpable in the changing face of retail real estate.

COVID accelerated the obsolescence of so many tired legacy retail players. And for the consumer, the pandemic has been a referendum on Personal Wellness above material goods or status. This dual effect tilled the field for so many health and wellness upstarts to reimagine the patient experience. High exposure brick and mortar space promised an additional path to access and convenience. Landlords are increasingly eager to take a chance with many medical groups over nascent groups in food or retail categories (with less scrutiny on the balance sheet due to the bolstered perception of permanence.)

Since this movement seems novel, we are often asked to qualify the categories and players in the field. Demographics, competition, staffing and potential market share all are integral to that analysis.

But we also approach medtail from its root; while not a perfect indication, the consumer profile of the PATIENT indicates the preferred synergies and co-tenancies, market indexes that allow landlords, investors and brokers to better understand who these groups are aiming to serve.


The Evolution of Medtail

